When Russell went to prison for a time, the headquarters were moved to New York and because of shipping costs, they began burying deceased Bethelites there.
When did Russell go to prison?
sometime within the last 2 weeks, someone took a sledgehammer to the pyramid monument in allegheny.
they stole the topstone, smashed the cross and crown emblem and removed the seal.. personally i'm surprised it lasted this long untouched.
although through the years russell's grave has been vandalized, it was always repaired by the bible students..
When Russell went to prison for a time, the headquarters were moved to New York and because of shipping costs, they began burying deceased Bethelites there.
When did Russell go to prison?
do jehovah’s witnesses take advantage of people in their low points in life?
do you know of some good examples?
Yes. I knew a brother who used to visit the local cemetery and would witness to people who were tending graves, putting flowers there etc. He always had "relevant" literature such resurrection, life after death etc. Just what people need at a time like that. Or not!
sometime within the last 2 weeks, someone took a sledgehammer to the pyramid monument in allegheny.
they stole the topstone, smashed the cross and crown emblem and removed the seal.. personally i'm surprised it lasted this long untouched.
although through the years russell's grave has been vandalized, it was always repaired by the bible students..
Here in the UK we have "listed buildings" which are of architectural and/or historical interest. It's a pity something similar could not be applied to the pyramid as it is unique. I wonder what the WT society will do with it. Probably destroy it, which is a shame. It really should be restored and cleaned, probably look good as a roundabout feature at Warwick but I'm not sure you have roundabouts in the US!
I did read a long time ago, probably on here, that it was they that opened it in the 1980's and removed the contents.
so, my spies tell me that the east pennines a$$emb£y hall is being sold and all proceeds going to jobo hq.
there's a surprise.....not!.
i understand there are other properties too.
Although this outfit is a "Charity" it is also listed with Companies House for those who wish to read the accounts etc see below. There appears to be a lot of money in the account of recent times, where did this come from? I did hear a while back there were plans to move cash from Australia to the UK following the ARC into Historical Child Abuse.
so, my spies tell me that the east pennines a$$emb£y hall is being sold and all proceeds going to jobo hq.
there's a surprise.....not!.
i understand there are other properties too.
Jonathon Rastell was not the CO but his father David Rastell was. I seem to remember he came from Rochester in Kent and kept his house on there and returned when he retired. He was our CO and caused a lot of descension among the elders, all of whom hated him. Apparently ours was not the only congregation.
When he left after the three year stint everyone was so happy. He was replaced with Philip Rose! You sometimes have to be careful what you wish for.
The current guy is Sean Smart and is staying in place even though the three year schedule has now passed. Probably the best CO I have met in many years.
so, my spies tell me that the east pennines a$$emb£y hall is being sold and all proceeds going to jobo hq.
there's a surprise.....not!.
i understand there are other properties too.
All Assembly Halls and KH's are being transferred to the KH Trust. Our KH went years ago. See link below. Have a look at the Trustees, there are a few names you will remember. One that seems to have disappeared is Jonathon Rastell, son of the infamous CO. Once they own your AS or KH they can sell it whenever they want without any opportunity to challenge that decision.
so, my spies tell me that the east pennines a$$emb£y hall is being sold and all proceeds going to jobo hq.
there's a surprise.....not!.
i understand there are other properties too.
I remember back in the early 1970's (?) we all pledged to give so much per month to build this place. Cost a fortune but at least it looked good and won quite a few architectural awards for its design. Maybe they will return my donations plus interest.... or not.
It still pulls in a few bob each year:-
thousands of migrants have come to england this year, already beating last year's total.. some may have fled syria and other war-torn countries; others are economic migrants.. let me try to get my head around this phenomenon: migrants are relatively safe in france and other countries.
they then leave the relative safety of continental europe and risk their lives and that of their children by crossing the english channel in rubber dinghies.
there's just no fixing stupid, is there .
Hope you don't really mean that Stan.
jesus: "so that is why you all get sick and die, because adam and eve grabbed an apple from the tree that god told them not to.".
a man from the crowd: "but why are we punished for something we didn't do, we don't even know that man and woman, that was thousands of years ago!".
jesus: "my father exercises perfect justice, believe me when i tell you when i say you got what was coming to you.
Rutherford said rockets would never leave the earth's atmosphere as they would have "nothing to push against" beyond there. I imagine he never heard of Newton's laws of motion when he was at school.
The really sad fact is that I used to believe all this twaddle.
in my opinion, in a body of elders let’s say with 7 elders , 2 or 3 were pretty much on the ball.
they were reasonable, intelligent and moderate.
the others were either extremely extreme about everything or very liberal.. did you have qualified older men or were they all lousy to you?
In every congregation I have been in there has been good and bad elders. Some are still in, some have drifted away and some have been D/F'ed.
However, one elder I know has been in the same congregation for over 40 years and an elder for almost all that time. As reliable as the North Star he has stuck at it through thick and thin. Other elders have come and gone. This last few months though he has gone very quiet, not answering, logging on to ZOOM at the last minute, leaving immediately after the last "Amen". He was away on holiday during the CO visit and never showed on ZOOM. I just wonder if he has finally woken up.